Proposed Bylaws Changes

The National Association for Health Care Recruitment Board of Directors reviewed the bylaws at its winter meeting. In accordance with Article XI of the association's bylaws, the Board is now recommending some changes to better fulfill the association's mission and vision by formally recognizing the partnership between NAHCR's recruiter and vendor members and expanding the pool of prospects eligible to serve on the Board of Directors. The full text of the proposed amendments is available here. Highlights include:

  • Changing "Vendor Member" to "Business Partner"; 
  • Expanding eligibility to serve on the Board of Directors to any NAHCR member in good standing (regardless of Class of Membership: Active, Federal, Associate, Business Partner, or Honorary) but requiring that the Board be comprised of at least 80% Active and Federal Members and restricting full voting rights to only Active and Federal Members serving on the Board of Directors.
  • Clarifying that recruiters employed by staffing and placement agencies are eligible to join NAHCR as Active Members, but otherwise staffing and placement agencies are only eligible for Business Partner Membership; 
  • Reducing the review period for proposed bylaws amendments from 60 to 30 days. 

NAHCR members will have the opportunity to review the proposed amendments for sixty (60) days, after which an electronic vote will be taken. A simple majority of the members casting a vote will constitute the final decision.

Questions or comments? Email [email protected]